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OhioDance Festival and Conference coming to ONU Sept. 27-29

The OhioDance Festival and Confererence, an annual statewide celebration of dance through classes, workshops, discussions and performances will take place on the Ohio Northern Unversity campus from Sept. 27-29, according to Liz Coulston.

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The event is co-sponsored by OhioDance and Ohio Northern University. Dance Matters: The More te You Know is the theme of the conference.

The event will be conducted by dance professionals from universities and colleges as well as master classes by contemporary dance company, Eisenhower Dance. 

Master Classes and Panel Discussions:  Keeping with theme of being a well rounded dancer, master classes will cover a variety of different styles and techniques, some of which may be new to a number of dancers.  The importance of a broad education will be emphasized through panel discussions as well.  Specific focus will be put on proper dance wellness and the role it plays in every dancer's life.

Highlights: Performance Saturday, Sept. 28, at 7:30 p.m., Eisenhower Dance and ONU Dance Company. In the summer of 1991, Eisenhower Dance Ensemble became one of the Midwest's premier contemporary dance companies. 

Now over 20 years later, this diverse group continues to share their talent by performing throughout the country as well as conducting education outreach in Rochester, Michigan.  Through master classes, dancers will have the opportunity to learn the athletic, impulsive, and creative style of this talented company.

Sessions: begin at 3 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 27. On Friday evening, there is a pizza and swing party. To end the festival on Sunday, Sept. 29, there will be an informal showing of work from 1 to 3 p.m.

Support: OhioDance is a statewide organization that inclusively supports the diverse and vibrant practice of dance. OhioDance is supported through grants from The Ohio Arts Council, The Greater Columbus Arts Council, The Columbus Foundation, Puffin Foundation West, Ltd., Capezio, Inc., BalletMakers Dance Foundation, and NiSource.

For more information contact [email protected]-614-224-2913
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