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Identity theft topic of Ada Kiwanis Club meeting

President Myrna McCurdy called the weekly meeting (June 25) of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12 p.m. at McIntosh Center, ONU.

The invocation was offered by Jon Umphress.

Chris Daniels was welcomed as a guest.

The membership anniversary of Mark Shull (July 1, 1962) was noted.

The wedding anniversary of Tom and Karen Kier (June 30, 1984) was also noted.

In business:

-Treasurer Bryan Myers presented an updated financial report.
-Jeff Schulman reported on the meeting of the satellite club from June 19th. He noted that the club is discussing a possible project of presenting mysteries to shut-ins and a chili meal in conjunction with the club’s annual Halloween Parade project. It would be known at “A Treat-No Trick.” The club will present a report as plans progress. The satellite club was also given permission to pursue the BUGS program.
-The club will plant a tree in War Memorial Park July 10th at The tree, a Debra Norway Maple will dedicated in member of former club member Von Spellman.  This will be an evening meeting with a picnic at 6:00 pm.
-A work sign-up sheets for the July 12 BBQ workers was circulated among the membership.
-A Sign-up sheet for the Ohio Kiwanis District Aug 9-10 Convention was circulated. 

Kiwanis Education Minute:

The Warren G, Harding Memorial is one of two Kiwanis-related landmarks members can visit this week at the International Convention in Vancouver.  The other is a Rose Garden started in 1920 when the Vancouver Kiwanis Club planted a few rose bushes to prove the flower’s hardiness.

Something to consider:

From- “Live and Learn and Pass it On” from a 97 year old, “I’ve learned that deciding whom you marry is the most important decision you’ll ever make.” And from a 15 year old, “I’ve learned that your teenage years are comprised of tribulations, confusion, agony, and love.”

Upcoming meetings/Events

-July 10 Tree dedication Ada Park 6pm picnic
-July 12 Buy Ada First
-July 16 We will be at New China
-July 23 Sharon MacKenzie
-July 30 Bill Fuller
-August 6 Amanda Bennett

Peter Previte introduced Chris Daniels who presented an interesting program on   “Identity Theft.”

She detailed the five most common types of identity which includes: financial or credit, social security number, driver’s license, medical and criminal or character.She stressed the need to be educated and diligent.

She also answered several questions from the membership.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:48 p.m.

The Ada Kiwanis Club meets each Tuesday at 12 p.m. at McIntosh Center, ONU. Guests are always welcome.
