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Schulman speaks to Kiwanis Club

President-Elect Heather Cox called the May 7 meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at noon in McIntosh Center, ONU.

The invocation was offered by Jon Umphress

The member birthday of Al Baillis (May 11) was noted.

The membership anniversary of Jon Umphress  (May 6, 1997) was also noted.

Jeffrey and Anne Schulman were congratulated on their 36th wedding anniversary, which will be celebrated on May 7th.

In business:

  • Treasurer Bryan Marshall updated members on club finances.
  • The next meeting of the Ada Kiwanis satellite club will be held on Wednesday May 8, 6 p.m. at El Campo, downtown Ada.
  • Joe Ferguson, reported on Ada Village Entrance Sign project They are moving to order the signs them soon.
  • The annual Kiwanis Tree Dedication has been moved to July 9 at War Memorial Park. The club will plant a tree in honor of former member Von M. “Spot” Spellman.
  • President- Elect Cox discussed the Buy Ada First events that are planned for June 14 and July 12. The club is looking into a food fund-raiser for the July 12 event.

Kiwanis Education Minute:
Kiwanis International operating revenue for 2012. Membership dues and fees 57%; Liability insurance fees 12%; magazine subscriptions 7%; Merchandise sales 10%; Adv. sponsor, grants and other 3%; Convention fees 8%; Investment income 1%; and Service Leadership Programs 2%.
Something to consider:
From “Live and Learn and Pass it On”’ from someone aged 54, “I’ve learned that if you allow someone to make you angry, you have let him conquer you.” 

Jeff Schulman started his presentation talking brief about his SAT experience from a number of years ago and how one is asked to identify the relationship between three things.
Then he proceeded to give us presentation in three acts with the idea that three separate stories will be tied together.  The first ACT involved how Easter got separated from the Jewish calendar and how we ended up with a Leap year.
The second ACT involved a discussion of the lunar calendar (used in the Jewish calendar) and the solar calendar and how if you just use a lunar calendar that you need to have a “leap month” every 3rd year. This also explains why the Jewish holiday date’s move with respect to the Gregorian Calendar…because they are tied to the Lunar calendar.
The third ACT involved a discussion of the Jewish new year, Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). He then proceeded to tie the events together to help explain some of the obscure references by Paul in the Book of Acts. 

Upcoming meetings include:
May 14, John Berg;
May 21 Sandy Neely; and
May 28 Jon Umphress.                                              

The Ada Kiwanis Club meets each Tuesday at 12 p.m. in McIntosh Center, ONU.
Guests are always welcome.               
Visit the club’s web site at .
