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Ohio Northern University among best in Ohio bar passage rate


One hundred percent of Ohio Northern University’s December law graduates passed Ohio’s February 2013 bar examination on their first attempt, and 82 percent of all ONU law graduates passed. ONU’s Pettit College of Law ranks second among Ohio law schools in overall passage rate and first in the passage rate of first-time takers.

The 100 percent passage rate by ONU law students ranked first, along with the University of Cincinnati, among Ohio schools for the first-time test takers for the month of February. ONU’s perfect passage rate by first-time bar exam participants ranks 20 percent higher than the state average of 80 percent for first-time takers.

The 82 percent overall performance of ONU graduates passing the bar includes repeat takers for the year. Statewide, out of 426 applicants who sat for the exam, 286 (67 percent) received passing scores; out of 254 first-time applicants, 80 percent received passing scores.

In July 2012, ONU graduates had a 91 percent passage rate for those who took the test for the first time.

The new attorneys will be sworn in during a special public session of the Supreme Court on Monday, May 6, 2013, at the Ohio Theatre in Columbus.