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Here's the latest from Ada Kiwanis Club

President Myrna McCurdy called the weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order on Tuesday May 28, at McIntosh Center, ONU.

The invocation was offered by Jon Umphress.

The birthday of President McCurdy (May 28th) was noted in song.

The birthday of Scott Allison (May 29th) was also noted.

The membership anniversary of Mike Hood (June1, 1981) was also noted.

Member John and Joanne Berg were congratulated on their wedding anniversary. They were wed May 29, 1955.

In business:
-Members heard an updated financial report.
-Secretary Brian Myers noted that Kiwanis Leadership Training will be held on Saturday June 1st. Jeff Schulman, Brian Myers, Heather Cox and Bill Fuller will be attending.
-Tuesday, May 28, is the deadline for registering for the Wednesday, June 5 Division 2 meeting to be held in Delphos. Those attending include: Jon Umphress, Jeff Schulman, Brian Myers and Myrna and Bob McCurdy.
-The next satellite club meeting will be held on  Wednesday May 29nd, 6:00 p.m. at the Community Health Professionals Building
-The club will be planting a tree in War Memorial Park on Wednesday evening July 10th in honor of former club member  Von Spellman.
-The club will coordinate the Restore Meal on Tuesday June 18th. We will provide hot dogs, buns, chips, baked beans and cookies.

Kiwanis Education Minute:
Kiwanis Magazine, April/May 2013. The Del Mar, CA. Kiwanis Club has been having an Ugly Dog Contest for the past 18 years. They charge an entry fee of $6 and have corporate sponsorships and admission fees. Other categories are: Best St. Patty’s Day Costume, Most Unusual Markings, Dog Who Most Looks Like its Owner and Best Mutt. They have raised a lot of money and get over 2,000 people there.

Something to consider:
From Live and Learn and Pass it On, from a 10 year old, “I’ve learned that you should never jump out of a second story window using a sheet for a parachute.

Upcoming meetings/Events:
-June 4 Charles Van Dyne
-June 11 Scott Wills
-June 18 Bob McCurdy
-June 25 Peter Previte
-July 9 no meeting
-July 10 Wednesday. Tree dedication Ada Park 6 PM.
-July 12 Buy Ada First
-July 16 we will be meeting at New China
-July 23 Sharon MacKenzie
-Aug 9,10,11 Ohio District Convention in Lima

Jon Umphress provided a presentation on “An Unsolved Mystery on the on the killing of John Wilkes Booth.”

Apparently, Booth was not killed in the Garrett’s Barn, even though the U.S. government claimed that he had been killed.

Finis Bates reported that Booth had slipped away and changed his name to John St. Helen.

The Ada Kiwanis Club meets each Tuesday at noon at McIntosh Center, ONU. Guests are always welcome.
