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ONU grad and now U.S. Congressman, Tom Reed, College of Law commencement speaker

Ohio Northern University’s Pettit College of Law has announced that U.S. Congressman Tom Reed of New York will be the guest speaker at its commencement ceremony in the ONU Sports Center on Sunday, May 19, at 2 p.m.

Reed, a 1996 graduate of the ONU Pettit College of Law, was first elected to represent the 29th District of New York in a special election held Nov. 2, 2010. He took office during the “lame duck” session of the 111th Congress and began his own full two-year term in the 112th Congress on Jan. 5, 2011.

Reed, a Republican, was re-elected on Nov. 6, 2012, to serve a two-year term in the new 23rd District. In June 2011, Reed was appointed to the Committee on Ways and Means, which has broad jurisdiction over many issues, including tax policy, trade, health care and Social Security. He serves on the Human Resources, Oversight, and Select Revenue Measures subcommittees of Ways and Means.

Previously, Reed served on the Rules, Judiciary, and Transportation and Infrastructure committees. Reed currently co-chairs the House Manufacturing Caucus and Congressional Natural Gas Caucus, and he is vice chair of the Congressional Diabetes Caucus.