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Hootenannies 4-H organizes for 2013

The Hardin County Hootenannies 4-H club’s last meeting was held at the Ag Credit meeting room. Ron Rofe, advisor, opened our meeting. Twelve members were present. Sean Hurley led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Levi Beiler led the 4-H pledge. We turned in our project forms. Then, we had our election of officers. 

Each member that wished to run for an office prepared and gave a campaign speech prior to the vote.  Results were:  President – Laura Spradlin; Vice-Pres – Megan Williams; Secretary – Miranda Holbrook; Treasurer – Isaac Davis (in a very close race…there was a tie three times); Reporter – Faith Holbrook; Recreation Leaders – Meadow Cromer, Seth Davis, and Levi Beiler.

In previous years we have had each member take turns doing a Health or Safety report.  We chose to do that again this year.  Miranda and Faith Holbrook volunteered to do theirs at the next meeting.  Discussion of doing a group project was also discussed.

We decided to keep the dues at $3 per member or $5 per family. They are due by our next meeting. We briefly discussed having a fund raiser. Grant Mizek said he had some people/businesses that were willing to donate to our club and he would check into that. We want to be sure to thank these generous donators.

Earnie Davis and Grant Mizek agreed to look into getting with other clubs that have goat projects and plan a goat clinic possibly at the fair grounds. They will get information and report to us at the next meeting.

Refreshments of veggie pizza and cheese and crackers were provided by Meadow and Callie Cromer. Preston Brien brought drinks.

Our next meeting is Sunday, April 21, at 4p.m. at the Ag Credit meeting room.  Refreshments volunteers were Miranda Holbrook and Seth Davis.
