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Ada prom Saturday night - highlight of this week's school calendar

Lots of activites take place in late April in the Ada Schools. Here's a update on several of those events, taken from the school website.


April 24th Red Cross Blood Drive
April 26th Interims sent home at the end of the day
April 27th Grand March at 7:00pm, Prom 8:00 – 11:00 & After Prom 11:00- 2:00
April 29th May 1st & May 3rd 8th Grade OAAs
April 30th 2 Hr Early Dismissal for Teacher-In-Service
April 30th & May 2nd 7th Grade OAAs

PROM TICKETS: $30 a couple or $15 a single. They will be available at lunch or students can see Mr. Ames. Remember school fees need to be paid in full to purchase a ticket, please.

ATTENTION STUDENTS 16 YRS OLD AND OVER: Sodexco, the dining service at ONU are accepting applications. Apply at the Dining Service Department at McIntosh Center this week.

WRESTLING TEAM: All kids interested in wrestling in 6th, 7th, 8th or high school should attend a meeting immediately after school on Wednesday, April 24, in Mr.Ames’ room.
