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Ada's latest news

Methodists will rebuild on Main

The congregation of Ada's First United Methodist Church announced on Jan. 29 that it intents to rebuild a new building on its downtown property. This is a view of the March 2012 fire that destroyed the building. (Leland Crouse photo)

Ada First United Methodist Church set to rebuild on historic site

Ada First United Methodist Church's congregation has decided to rebuild on its historic site in downtown Ada at the corner of North Main and Highland streets. 

The congregation has worshipped in Ada for more than 150 years, but lost its 113-year-old landmark church to a devastating fire in March 2012. The church has taken this time to reflect on and examine its mission and goals for the future.

Previte guest speaker to Bluffton Lions - talks about Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act

Ada resident Peter Previte was guest speaker at the Bluffton Lions Club earlier this month. Previte provided a brief history of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.

He also addressed the evolution of laws to make food, drugs and cosmetics safer, as he reviewed the years of patent medicine that contained alcohol, narcotics and similar ingredients.

Previte told the Bluffton audience about the many regulative laws enacted by Congress over the years and the affect each has had on the country. One of those laws mentioned resulted in a major improvement in product labeling and information.

ONU indoor track-field team hosts Saturday food drive

The Ohio Northern men's and women's indoor track & field teams will host a canned food drive during the Joe Banks Invitiational on Saturday at the ONU Sports Center.

Collection boxes will be set up inside and outside of the fieldhouse. Suggested items include canned fruit, soups, pasta, rice, cereal and baking items. Ohio Northern is one of 11 teams that will be participating in the meet this weekend. Field events begin at 11 am and running events will begin at noon.

Baby, it was cold outside

Baby - it was cold outside. Over the past seven days low temperatures in the area bottomed out at 4 degrees, 5 degrees and 7 degrees. Jan. 28 was the first day when the low was above freezing. Here's the recent seven-day high, low and precipitation report from the Icon weather observer.

Date        High    Low   Prec.
Jan. 22     14        4  
Jan. 23     18        7     0.01
Jan. 24     22        5     trace
Jan. 25     22      16     0.12
Jan. 26     29      12     trace
Jan. 27      33     15     0.15
Jan. 28     49      33     0.15

Apollo kicks off Career-Tech Ed Month on Jan. 29

Apollo Career Center will hold its first-everl Apollopalooza on Jan. 29, 5:30-7 p.m., to kick-off National Career and Technical Education Month, which runs through February.

Apollopalooza will showcase both the high school and adult education programs. The event is free and open to the public.

“Because Apollo is not a traditional high school or college, and because adults and high school students are being trained during the day and evening, Apollo is opening up the building, for the public to see and experience what Apollo students learn everyday,” said Dana Dukes Norton, community relations liaison.
