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It's October - time to tell us your all-time favorite horror flicks

By Torie Wright, Icon intern
My favorite time of year is now. Fall’s weather is perfect and we also celebrate my favorite holiday: Halloween. We’re about a month away from seeing costumed kiddos roaming the streets, but it’s just the right time for getting into spooky movies.

I challenge you this: starting now, watch one horror movie per week. On Oct. 31, report back to us at the Icon with your list of movies watched and tell us which one was your absolute favorite!

Send your list to: [email protected].


The Ada High School marching band is in full swing this fall. The band performed at halftime on Friday during Bluffton High School's homecoming. Here's band member Ace Gamble performing with the band.

45810 is a busy community in October-November; here's the Community Highlights

Can it be fall already? Yes, and there's lots of events going on in Ada in October and November. Here's the long list of activities planned in 45810 over the next 61 days. Darlene Bowers created this calendar for The Icon.

For a printer-friendly copy of the calendar perfect for posting and handy reference, open the attachment at the bottom of this story.

Look what's on Ada's school calendar

Here's an update on activities at Ada High School from the school website:

Sept. 30th - 2 HOUR EARLY DISMISSAL Teacher In-Service
Oct. 8th – Cap & Gown presentation @ 8:40 a.m. Auditorium
Oct. 20th – Professional Development Teacher Work Day - No school for students
Oct. 23rd – Composite pictures 7 a.m. and 7 thru 12 Pictures starting at 8:45 a.m. in the ’86 gym

50 Ada High homecomings ago...1964

Anticipating Ada High School's homecoming later this month, The Icon looks back several homecoming ago.

Here's the 1964 court, from left, Joanna Roof, senior; Sherry Wright, queen;  Linda English, freshman; Pat Phillians, sophomore; and absent from the photo, Joyce Prater, junior. Other members of the court (not pictured) were Cindy Brown, royal crown carrier, Rex Hays, game ball carrier, and football co-captains Ken Amburgey and Bill Hawley.


Ada police call logs Sept. 15-21

Michael Harnishfeger, Ada police chief, provided The Icon with the Ada police call logs from Sept. 15 to Sept. 21

They are in the attachments at the bottom of this story.
