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Ada's latest news

Ambitious saleswomen

These Ada Brownies are selling Girl Scout cookies outside of Four Seasons with temps near the freezing mark, but their dedication has paid off as they near their goal of selling 1,350 boxes. From left are Belah Price, Jessica Luhn, Aubrey Mash and Jenna Bassitt. The girls will use the profits for educational activities, such as field trips and camping. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Village Voice: It’s tax season – need assistance with your Ada village income taxes?

The Village of Ada uses the services of Central Collection Agency (also known as CCA) Division of Taxation for filing and payment of Village Income taxes. As a service to its customers, CCA schedules on site taxpayer assistance.

This year, auditors from CCA will be available at the Ada Depot on Saturday, March 28th, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Auditors will be able to assist taxpayers with their Village of Ada income tax form preparations.

Lugibihl Spray Service can help you get a jump on your spring lawn

Lugibihl Spray Service, 6705 Tom Fett Road, Bluffton, has lawn and garden supplies and lots of other supplies for persons interesting in getting a jump on their spring lawn care.

Lugibihl offers:
• Grass seed and soil tests
• Round-up Quik Pro
• Lawn fertilizer with crabgrass control
• Blended fertilizer for lawns
• Garden fertilizer
• Lime and gypsum
• Spray for lawn weeds

An attachment at the bottom of this story offers additional information.

Lugibihl Spray Service
6705 Tom Fett Road

He can set, he can spike - in his sleep

Brian Hofman meets with Paige Emick and Mihayla Vail, both of Mansfield, at a youth volleyball tournament at the Sports Center. Brian has served as tournament director for the past 20 years. He is also long-time ONU assistant women's volleyball coach. Girls from 32 teams competed in the two-day Ohio Valley regional of Junior Olympic Volleyball. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Saturday morning PaintINN artists

Ladies enjoy a PaintINN Saturday morning at The Inn on campus.

Marilyn Reed of rural Ada (standing) instructs the women on painting and decorating a clay pot. Seated are (from left) Judy Mumea of Lima, Ruth Roider of Ada and Julie Ludanyi of Ada.

The teacher owns Marilyn's Artistry. She is a muralist and faux finisher. The mural at Padrone's is one of her works. She has a master's degree in interior finishes. A PaintINN is also scheduled for April 1 and May 2.
(Monty Siekerman)


Ada resident Han Qui Yang was a retired pediatrician

Han Qui Yang, 93, died Saturday, March 21, 2015, at 11:38 a.m. at her residence, in Ada, Ohio.

She was born on Dec. 21, 1921, in Han Zhow, China. Her parents preceded her in death. On April 28, 1941, she married Zhenli Han and they were married for 65 years. He died April 4, 2006.
