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Ada's latest news

A safer way to school

Work began Monday on the Safe Routes to School project, which includes sidewalk and intersection repair on streets near the school. Completion is set for Oct. 30. The $160,000 project was fully funded with an ODOT grant. The bid was won by Helms and Sons Excavating, Findlay. Most of the work includes a new sidewalk on the west side of Grand north of Buckeye and fixing the confusing intersection at Grand and Highland. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Lots of October and November "Hometown Happenings" - here's the list

There are plenty of activities in Ada this fall. Here's the Icon's October and November "Hometown Happenings," provided by Darlene Bowers. A few early December events are also provided.

An printer-friendly copy is an attachment at the bottom of this story.  

Get ready for Ada HS homecoming Spirit Week

Ada High School homecoming activities start Friday and run to next Friday as a long "Spirit Week" holds several daily events. The Ada community is invited to join school students in several of the after-school events.

Schedule of events

Portion of razed Baptist church building dates to 1868

Story and photo by Monty Siekerman

It's not Jericho in the year 1400 BCE, but the walls came tumbling down Monday at the site of the former First Baptist Church of Ada, in the 100 block of East Highland Avenue, where many a sermon was preached and weddings and funerals were held.

The property has been owned by Midwest Rehab Inc. for several years. The brick portion to the north will be saved. The stained glass windows were taken out by the wrecking ball.
 Several years ago, the church moved to West North Street (State Route 81) where there was more space for worship and activities, land and parking.

What's for lunch in the school cafeteria in October?

What's for lunch in the Ada school cafeteria in October.

Click here for the menu

Our favorite ONU homecoming parade photos - hope you enjoy them, too

Ohio Northern University celebrated homecoming last weekend. Here are three of our favorite homecoming parade photos. We hope you enjoy them also.

Phil Compton escorts ONU President and Mrs. Dan DiBiasio into his 1971 Cadillac convertible prior to the Ohio Northern University homecoming parade on Saturday morning.

Compton taught at the university from 1967 to 2002. Since retirement from ONU, he has served as pastor of Rhinehart United Methodist Church near Mt. Victory. His four-door Caddy was custom made for Nelson Rockefeller.

Everyone loves a parade, even Snickerdoodle, a 3-year-old labradoodle, owned by Harold and Susan Putt.
