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Scarlet Raven Christian band performs at Alger Assembly of God

Scarlet Raven, a Christian hard rock band from northern Indiana, will perform at 6 p.m. on Sunday. Nov. 1, at Alger Assembly of God.

Doors open at 5 p.m.

The performance is free. A love offering will be taken. Members of the group will sing original songs and give testimonies.

Liberty Bank staff excited for Raegan Cox and her live audition for "America's Got Talent"

By Monty Siekerman
Liberty National Bank employees in Ada are excited for Raegan Cox who will have a live audition for the popular NBC show "America's Got Talent" at Cobo Center in Detroit on Saturday, Nov. 7.

Raegan's mom, Heather, works at the bank. Reagan, 11, is a sixth grader at Miller City Schools where she participates in choir and band. She has participated in a state-wide choir, sang for St. Nicholas Catholic Church for the Children’s Mass, and entertains in nursing homes.

She has accomplished all of this without any voice lessons - a natural talent.

Are you brave enough for a haunted hayride in Ada?

Anyone up for a haunted hayride?

The Ohio Northern University Law Student Bar Association will hold such an event on Saturday, Oct. 31, War Memorial Park, Ada.

The event is a fundraiser for the organizaton, according to Kathleen Plumer.
A kid friendly event is from 6 to 7 p.m.
Haunted event is from 7 to 10 p.m.

Admission is:
• Adults (above 18) $3
• Children (under 18) $2

A skeletal smile

Even skeletons smile. This one happens to be a student at Ready, Set, Grow Pre-School. On Friday students came to school dressed in their Halloween costumes.

Director of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency speaks at ONU

Craig Butler, director of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), will discuss the agency’s role in protecting the public and the environment in Ohio Northern University’s Dicke Forum on Tuesday, Nov. 3, at 6:30 p.m.  The event is free and open to the public.

Butler also will discuss the contrasting roles between federal and state agencies. The presentation will occur in tandem with an environmental law class taught by Dr. Russ Decker, ONU lecturer of political science.

700 bags of popcorn!

Robert Kanzig (left) and Calvin Fisher prepare to hand out nearly 700 bags of popcorn at ReStore. It took most of the day to pop the kernels, even with two machines going. (Monty Siekerman photo)
