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Ada's latest news

Mercy Health Ada Family Medicine ground breaking at noon Monday

The ground breaking ceremony for the Mercy Health Ada Family Medicine will be on Monday, Nov. 16, at noon.

The practice will be located at 604 W. North Avenue, Ada.

Construction for the office will begin soon. The Mercy Health Ada Family Medicine office will be a family practice open to the needs of the community members.

Ada fall awards assemblies Nov. 18 and Nov. 19

Ada High School fall awards assembly will be divided into two nights this year.

It will begin in the auditorium then break into separate areas, like always.
Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 7 p.m.
Tennis-Media Center
Boys' Soccer-Auditorium
Girls' Soccer- Cafeteria
Golf-Band Room

Thursday, Nov. 19 at 7 p.m
Volleyball- Cafeteria
Cross Country- Media Center

Tennis at the turn of the century

It's the 2001-02 school year. And, its' the Ada High School girls' tennis team. The names of the players are under the photo.

Project Warmth

Ada residents have a chance to help decorate the Christmas tree inside the lobby of Liberty National Bank, Ada. During November the bank is collecting donations for new hats, gloves and scarfs as tree decorations. Known as "Project Warmth" it was created by the bank in 1990 to help local children stay warm during the winter.

Lots of municipal swimming pool action anticipated by Ada council on Tuesday

Ada council’s agenda on Tuesday includes the second reading of the 2016 annual appropriations ordinance, plus several ordinances affecting the 2016 village calendar.

Those ordinances involve purchasing, services, and payroll expenses.

In action involving the Ada Municipal Swimming Pool, council will act to enter into an agreement for architectural planning services with the firm of Freytag and Associates, Inc.

Also, council will act on an agreement with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources whether to accept funding through the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program for pool renovations.

Roberta Joseph was a retired cook at Allen East

Roberta J. Joseph, 82, died on Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015, at 3:05 AM at Richland Manor Nursing Home, Bluffton.

She was born on July 25, 1933 in LaFayette, Ohio to Harry Russell and Zella (Long) Hawk who preceded her in death. On Feb. 17, 1951 she married Thomas E. Joseph and he survives in LaFayette, Ohio.

Roberta retired from Allen East High School after 20 years as a cook. She attended LaFayette –Jackson High School and the Ohio State Beauty Academy. She was a member of the Congregational Christian Church of LaFayette, where she played the organ for several years. Roberta was a member of the LaFayette Community Choir and the Lima Sweet Adelines of Lima, Ohio.
