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Ada's latest news

Once upon a time in Ada: A 470-year-old organization visited Ada

Material collected by Lee Crouse

On Jan. 21, 1969, the world famous Vienna Choir Boys, a 470-year-old organization of the Vienna Choir Boys appeared at Lehr Memorial at Ohio Northern University.

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An Ada winter sunrise

It's an Ada, Ohio, sunrise. This photo taken from an Ohio Northern University Instagram, reads: "A snowy campus and a beautiful sunrise makes for a gorgeous campus ‪#‎onu‬ @ohionorthern" IG: @alliemh2

Winter guard competitions on January calendar

Several Ada Music Booster events take place in January despite the Jan. 12 booster meeting that was cancelled due to the weather.

Check the booster website for calendar of coming events. CLICK HERE for the website. Missing from the calendar are two winter guard competitions (Jan. 24 at Marion Harding and Jan 31 at Miamisburg) and the next Purse Raffle organizer meeting with Academic Boosters (Feb. 3 5:30 p.m. in the Media Center).

Contact Cliff Maier if you have questions.

Winter competition schedule

Ada soccer league will reimburse persons taking referee clinics

Ada Soccer Association is inviting volunteers to assist it during the spring season.

In particiular, referees are needed. Two new soccer referee clinics take place in February in Bluffton. The Ada soccer league will reimburse persons who register provided you work in Ada for five games.

If you have questions on referee clinics/issues you can contact Patrick Allen or contact Doug Egts at 419-306-4296 or [email protected]

Liza DuPre' 1954-2016

Liza DuPre' died Jan. 11, 2016, in her home in Ada,Ohio. 

She is survived by her brothers Steve and Dan DuPre'.  She was a graduate of Fayetteville-Manlius High School and received her bachelor's degree at Brockport and a teaching degree from The University of Arkansas-Little Rock.

She worked as a teacher and owned her own animal care and grooming business.  In lieu of flowers contributions can be made to the ASPCA or the Humane Society.

Look at all these January Ada school events

Despite weather delays, there's no absence of events at Ada schools in January. Here's a summary of current activities taken from the school website:

Today: Science Fair 6:30 – 8:00 pm in cafeteria
Jan. 15 End of 9 Weeks
Jan. 18 No School in observance of Martin Luther King Day
Jan. 22 Grade cards will be sent home with students
Jan. 25 FCA at 6:50 pm
Jan. 26 2 Hour Early Dismissal at 1:30 due to Professional Staff Meeting
