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Ada librarian guest at Kiwanis meeting

Myrna McCurdy called the 14th meeting (January15th) of the 2012–2013 Kiwanis Year to order at 12:00 noon at McIntosh Center, ONU.

The invocation was given by Jon Umphress.

Amanda Bennett, new librarian at the Ada Public Library, was welcomed as a guest.
The membership anniversaries of Scott Allison 1/16/07; and Bob McCurdy 1/21/1997 were noted.

In business:
-Members heard an updated financial report from Treasurer Bryan Marshall.

-Kiwanis Divisions 2 and 3 will hold a Council Meeting Wednesday January 23 at Milano’s in Lima. Those attending are Jon Umphress, Jeff Schulman, Brian Myers, Joe Ferguson Myrna McCurdy and Bill Fuller.

The club discussed the Kiwanis Eliminate Project to eradicate Tetanus in third world countries. The club agreed to support the effort with a financial donation

On January 31st, a meeting for Ohio District Convention in Lima will be held at Beery Insurance, 1240 W Market St at 6:00 p.m.  Chairpersons will be appointed, a schedule of future meetings will be established and decision made on a project.  The club will be in charge of the basket room for the silent auction.

-The Ohio Kiwanis Mid-Year education day will be held on March 9th in Lewis Center at the Conference Center at North Pointe. Jeff Schulman and Jon Umphress are planning to attend.

-Jeff Schulman reported that he contacted Community Health Professionals to schedule a time for an organizational meeting for a proposed satellite club. He has set a date of Wednesday February 13th at 6 PM.

- Something to Consider: from Live and Learn and Pass It On. A 56 year old said “I’ve learned that a good relationship between my family, my friends, and my business associates can be boiled down to one word: RESPECT.”

-Upcoming Meetings/Events:
1/22/2013 Mike Hood
1/29/2013 Scott Allison
2/05/2013 Tom Kier
2/12/2013 Jolene Bailey

Bill Fuller introduced the New Librarian for Ada, Amanda Bennett, Librarian at the Ada Public Library.

She started by talking about her experience and background in the field. She started in the position back in October.

She discussed some of the goals and a few of the many programs of the library for 2013. In the coming months, they are using Skype to communicate with a couple of authors. They are doing Matinee Movies (which will feature the classics) including To Kill a Mocking Bird.  They are holding play dates for families with young children to get together and meet some other people from the community and network.

In 2012, they donated over 6,000 free books to children in Harding County and in 2013 their goal is to double that donation. She talked about the fact that they have a “party” bus to come to Ada to help train individuals to use technology including a computer basics course, using the online catalog to provide access to the many eBooks that the Library has via a consortium that they have joined.

She also indicated that the funds for the levy will start to come in March.

After a question from the audience, she indicated that the cost of the addition has resulted in being put on hold for now.

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