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Ada HS holding meetings to help with questions about financial aid and college-credit enrollment options for students

Ada High School will hold two meeting of interest to students looking towards pursuing additional education, both during and beyond high school.  Both meetings will be held in the cafeteria.

Post Secondary Enrollment Options/Credit Flexibility Meeting

January 23, 6:00 p.m.

Students and parents are invited to attend the meeting to learn about the Post Secondary Enrollment Options program mandated by Senate Bill 140. 

The law allows high school students to enroll in college courses while enrolled in high school, if the student meets eligibility requirements set by the college or university.  Students may enroll during the school day or in the evening, but are not permitted to enroll for summer classes. 

If the student chooses to use the credit toward high school graduation, the cost of tuition, books, and fees will be paid by the high school. 

In considering this option for next school year, students must evaluate academic records and career goals.  Students must also consider credit requirements for high school graduation, consequences of failing a college course, scheduling, travel time, athletic eligibility, and other factors. 

There are many advantages and disadvantages to the program. 

Students and parents are also invited to learn more about Credit Flexibility procedures and guidelines pursuant to Senate Bill 311.  This program enables students to earn units of high school credit based on a demonstration of subject area competency, instead of or in combination with completing hours of classroom instruction.

Financial Aid Presentation for students, parents and community members. 

January 23, 6:30 p.m.

A representative from Ohio Northern University will provide information that is applicable to all colleges and universities. 

Topics to be discussed will be completing the FAFSA, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, sources for aid, and specific concerns of those attending.  The meeting is open to the public.

For additional information, contact the high school guidance counselor, Erinn Prater at 419-634-3086.
