President Myrna McCurdy called the fifth meeting (October 30th) of the 2012–2013 Kiwanis Year to order at 12:00 noon at McIntosh Center, ONU.
The following guests were introduced: Arlene Allison, guest of Scott Allison; Robert Sprague; and Dave Reese, program speaker.
The birthdays of Mark Shull (October 31) and Bill Fuller (November 4th were celebrated in song.
Joe Ferguson was thanked for his efforts on the Halloween Parade, even though the event was cancelled due to inclement weather.
In business:
-Members heard an updated financial report from Treasurer Bryan Marshall.
-Secretary Brian Myers reported that he submitted the paperwork for the Kiwanis Family billing. A bill for KI for the 2012-2013 year was received.
-President Myrna McCurdy reported that same weeks of the year will be entered into the ReStore calendar for the Crockpot Tuesday schedule. She also passed out a program schedule list through April. Committee assignments will be posted next week.
-John Berg reported that the community service organization sign project committee met and they are currently looking into some liability issues.
-Members were reminded to buy your Town and Gown tickets and support this effort.
-Joe Ferguson reported that Halloween Parade on October 29th was canceled for this year. Options for the use of the packaged candy were also discussed.
- A sign up for refreshments for Bloodmobile visit on November 12th was passed among the members.
-Peter Previte reported that the Spaghetti Dinner will be held on Nov 15 at the VFW. He indicated that he will check current supply items and determine what additional purchases will be needed. A work sheet will be circulated next week.
-Tonight is the Division 2 first Council meeting at the St. Mary’s Eagles Lodge at 5:30 pm. Jeff Schulman and Myrna McCurdy will be attending
-The member joke was told by Scott Allison.
-Bill Fuller) reported the ONU Circle K Club has been busy. They have had a fund raiser, and will participate in a fall rally. They will also be busy with the Operation Christmas Child. Members way bring empty shoe boxes to Fuller.
-Kiwanis Education Minute: Kiwanis International adopted 6 objects at their International convention in 1924. President Myrna said that she will present one each week for the next 6 weeks. Object #1, “To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life.”
-Something to consider: “I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn.” This was said by a 92 year old. From “Live and Learn and Pass it On.”
-Upcoming meetings/Events:
10/30 Bruce Neely
10/30 Division Two meeting at St. Mary’s
11/5 Scott Wills
11/12 Peter Previte
11/15 Spaghetti Dinner at VFW
11/20 Al Bailis
11/27 Claudia Crawford
Scott Allison introduced speaker Dave Reese, Mount Cory. Reese started the family farm in 1983 planting one acre of trees which has since grown to 26 acres of Christmas Trees.
Dave his wife Jan, and four sons Matt, Aaron, Jeff and Jay, are all a part of the farm.
Many of the sons are now married with children and the next generation of tree farmers is learning the business. He said that this is how his family chooses to spend the Christmas season. He noted that it is truly a family effort.
He presented a number of slides of the farm, its man activities and an overview of the Christmas tree growing industry is Ohio.
He concluded by saying that he hopes that your family will come visit his. For more information, visit the family website at:
The meeting was adjourned at 1:03 p.m.