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Ada band at the Fair Sept. 4; lots more music activities this fall

"And now, presenting the Ada High School marching band..."

Lots of music events are on the fall calendar for the Ada Music Boosters. The AHS marching band will perform at the Hardin County Fair grandstand at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 4.

The band will also march in the Sept. 15 Harvest and Herb Festival parade, in addition to its Friday night football game performances. On Oct. 5, the band marches in the high school homecoming parade. On Oct. 6, the band marches in Ohio Northern University's homecomign parade.

Several Music Booster fundraisers are underway this fall. The Krispy Kreme doughnut sale is underway with delivery on Sept. 15. A raffle of an iPad3, with tickets on sale at the Harvest and Herb Festival and all home football games is also in process. The drawing is at the final home football game of the regular season, Oct. 26.

Bulldog discount cards will go on sale at the end of October. The cards are available from any Ada music student. Three dinner fundraisers are set for Padrone's Pizza. These are Sept. 17, Sept. 24 and Nov. 12.

On Nov. 10 is the 35th annual Ada Music Feast show choir invitational competition. The event is at Ada High School. 
