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Safe Routes to School Team invites public input

Ada’s Safe Routes to School Team invite Icon viewers to a 6 p.m., Thursday, May 17, public meeting in the Ada School cafeteria.

The meeting’s purpose is to have public input on the Safe Routes to School program. The program’s goals follow:

1 - Improve the environment around the school to encourage walking and bicycling to and from our school,
2 - Expand the school’s curriculum and activities to include safety and education programs that will teach our children pedestrian and bicycling safety, and
3 -  Hold events to encourage walking and bicycling.

A group of community and school representatives has created a draft “school travel plan.” It ensures that walking and cycling routes to the Ada schools are provided for students. Once the plan is approved, the Ada community is eligible to apply for funds for items in the plan.

An attachment at the bottom of this story explains the purpose of Thursday's meeting in greater detail.
