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Lots of announcements for Ada HS students

As the 2011-12 school year winds down, several school announcements are making the rounds this week. 

STUDENT COUNCIL:  If you are interested in joining Student Council next year, pick up a petition from Mrs. Smith this week. Signed petitions will need to be returned by Wednesday, May 9.  There are 2 spots open for current 7th graders, 2 spots for current 8th graders, 2 spots for current 9th graders, 3 spots for current 10th graders and 2 spots for current 11th graders.

ATTENTION GRADES 9-12 :  Do you want to encourage your classmates to make good decisions like wearing their seatbelt and not testing while driving? If so, come to Mrs. Recker’s room Thursday at 12:45 during lunch to discuss the start of a Student-led good decisions group.

CPR CERIFICATION CLASS: Any student needing CPR certification, see Mrs. Vermillion this week. She is planning a CPR class for mid-May. You must sign up to be in the class.

JR HIGH & HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEADING: Anyone interested in trying out for 2012-13 football or basketball cheerleading should stop by the high school office for a tryout packet. This is for all interested students grades 6-11. Middle school & High school clinics and tryouts will be from May 7th through May 17th. Thanks!


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