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Ada Icon owners available to talk with Ada service clubs

A standing invitation: Want to know more about The Ada Icon? Fred and Mary P. Steiner, Icon owners, offer their services to speak with any Ada service club, organization or interested viewers.

"We'd like to explain all the features that The Ada Icon offers," said Fred Steiner. "We are available anytime this summer to meet with interested groups. The Ada Icon has many features and we want Ada residents to take advantage of these."

For example, The Icon features:
• Daily news updates of Ada
• Free classified ads including all garage sales
    (we charge for properties for sale or rent, and vehicles for sale)
• Full-color photos and graphics and full-color, affordable, advertisements
• Emphasis on Ada businesses along with free business directory listings
• Church news
• Reports on service club activities
• Ada school news
• Ohio Northern University news
• YouTube videos
• School delay information and other immediate emergency information
• Historical photos
• Events calendar
• Obituaries (posted at no charge)
• Ada bloggers

Since its launch on March 15, The Ada Icon has had 2,129 total views by 1,147 individual viewers. While the vast majority of views are from the Hardin-Allen-Hancock county area, viewers are from 38 states and 10 foreign countries, according to Google Analytics.

The Icon has averaged 75 views per weekday from May 17 to May 23 and that number continues to climb.

For more Icon information open the "quick facts" attachment at the bottom of this story.
To contact Fred Steiner for more information call 419-889-3065 or e-mail: [email protected]
