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Juniors Discovery Day April 21

Ohio Northern University will host a Junior Discover ONU Day for high school juniors on Saturday, April 21, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Approximately 100 prospective students and their families are expected to attend the open house.

The event allows participants to learn about Ohio Northern’s unique blend of quality liberal arts and professional programs as well as the abundant, diverse opportunities available to ONU students. The day includes a walking campus tour and sessions with professors and students from ONU’s four undergraduate colleges. Prospective students will have the chance to attend an admissions overview, and parents will have the opportunity to attend a financial aid information session.

“This open house is a great opportunity for high school students and their parents to get a good, close-up look at our University and learn more about our outstanding academic programs,” said Larry Lesick, vice president of enrollment. “The events of the day will provide a strong foundation for planning and considering ONU as a college choice.”

The deadline for registration is Wednesday, April 18. Those interested can register by calling 888-408-4668 or visiting