Should a high school basketball team rein in its scoring against a weaker opponent? Should artists’ copyrighted creations be fair game for tattoos? Is separating students by abilities a modern form of segregation?
College students at Ohio Northern University will wrestle with these and other thorny issues as they prepare for the APPE Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl (APPE IEB)® national championship, which will be held March 4-5 in Portland, Oregon.
They will be one of 36 teams competing against their peers using a set of cases that are drawn from real-life ethical challenges in education, business, life, and politics. Teams participating in the APPE IEB® will be judged not by their answers to such questions, but by their ability to identify and analyze the ethical dimensions of each case in a clear, focused, and thoughtful manner and to do so with an appreciation for varied perspectives.
This is the first time Ohio Northern University has qualified for the national competition. The team is coached by Dr. Jonathan Spelman and Christopher Caldwell. Team members include Cauley “Hart” Chamberlain, Alexa Clampitt, Taylor Hannam-Zatz, Noah Liechty, Gabriel Mott, and Trinity Wobler.