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1954 Ada children's theatre photograph


Here's a photograph from the Ada Public Library collection. The photo is identified as a 1954 Ada community theater children's production.

Icon viewers information on this photo are welcome.

1st row, from left - Bonnie Springer, Norman Noe, Tom Parkhill, Linda Marchant, Susan Brown
2nd row, from left - Fran Price, Joe Beschoff, Betty Miller
3rd row, from left, Ann Lowry, Robert Lamb, Smith (?)

50 free programs + 1,277 people = very successful summer library program

Submitted by Amanda Bennett

They say that it takes a village...and it does. Without the generous support of so many Ada businesses, and so many families willing to participate in Summer Reading 2013, we wouldn’t have had the successful year that we did.

Thank you to all of the businesses and individuals who made donations to be used toward our program, and for those individuals who were always willing to stop and offer assistance; because of the support of the community we were able to offer over 50 free programs in the six weeks of Summer Reading and had 1,277 people show up for our programs!

Many thanks to:

Ada service clubs project

There's a new sign just outside the Ada village limits. It promotes the service clubs of the community: Lions, Rotary and Kiwanis. In addition, it posts the Liberty Township Fire Department insignia. The sign project has been underway for some time. The website is not yet completed.

Thanks to Dr. Jimmy Wilson, ONU is in 3-D on Google Earth

Earlier this summer Dr. Jimmy Wilson, professor of geography, updated the Ada Kiwanis Club on the Ohio Northern University Google Earth project. The following story was posted on the ONU website in October 2012. It provides the information about the project, so that Icon viewers may understand how it was put into place.

To download Google Earth for your computer visit:

Ada Icon renews membership to Online News Association

Ada Icon has renewed its membership in the Online News Association (ONA).

The Online News Association is composed largely of professional digital journalists. Founded in 1999, ONA now has more than 2,000 professional members whose principal livelihood involves gathering or producing news for digital presentation.

The membership includes news writers, producers, designers, editors, photographers, technologists and others who produce news for the Internet or other digital delivery systems, as well as academic members and others interested in the development of online journalism.

Who am I? My aunt worked with Madonna during the filming of a movie

By Alisa Ambrecht

Who Am I?

• I graduated from Ada in 1991.

• I competed in track and soccer in high school, I swam for one year and won the Coach's Award for that year.

• I like to run and have competed in two full marathons and two half marathons.

• I am starting my third season as a volunteer coach for a certain sport at Ada High School.

• I usually get invited to weddings for the sole purpose of entertaining the guests with my mad dancing skills.

• I am a St. Louis Cardinals fan and got to attend Game 6 of the 2011 World Series.
