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April 2016

Tree Commission, Sigma Phi Epsilon volunteers, shape up Ada's trees

Story and photos by Monty Siekerman
Members of the Ada Tree Commission, with the help of eight Sigma Phi Epsilon members, trimmed trees in town on last Saturday afternoon.

Most of the commission members have completed a course sponsored by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, which included instruction in trimming and pruning trees.

Trees in the Industrial Park, Depot Park, and the right-of-way of streets were made safer, healthier, and more beautiful due to the efforts of the volunteers.


• Sigma Phil Epsilon volunteers
• Jamie Hall and Rob Mix
• Mike Hubbell
• Jim Meyer


Meet the faces behind the friendliest polar bear you'll ever meet

STORY FROM THE ONU WEBSITE - Four ONU graduating seniors can finally share the best-kept secret on campus. Just who is it under that mask?

Being the Ohio Northern University mascot Klondike is such a closely guarded secret that not even the portrayer's closest friends know the truth. There are no tryouts to become Klondike.

Student photos at bottom of story - 

Only those noticed by current Klondikes are recruited for the job. A student is only allowed to reveal themselves upon graduating. So with Commencement right around the corner, we thought we'd help these four seniors take off the head.

What's for lunch at Ada schools in May? Here's the menu

It's the final month - here's the May Ada school menu.



May 5 council meeting moved to Ada depot

Ada's Tuesday, May 3, council meeting location has changed.

According to Angela Polachek of the village, the May 3 meeting is at 6:30 p.m. and will be held in the Ada historic depot.



High church work in Ada

With all of the work going on outside, it appears that spring has hit with a vengeance--finally. We can add to the list of projects roof repairs at Our Lady of Lourdes.

To see exactly where the roof work takes place look at the photo below. (Ken Collins photo)

Icon's Dog of the Week: Here's Fido

Fido, 6 year old male border/heeler mix, 48 pounds, great with people 

To give a dog a forever home, contact the Hardin County dog shelter. It is located at 49 Jones Road on the west side of Kenton.

Hours: 9 am to 4 pm on Monday, Thursday, and Friday. Phone: 419-674-2209.

Generally, about 20 to 25 dogs are available for viewing.

$1 fine for using profanely the name of God, Jesus Christ or the Holy Ghost

Once upon a time in Ada
Things you didn’t know about your own hometown
By Lee Crouse
[email protected]

December, 1960, the revision of Ada ordination for maintenance of “peace and good order," brought to light some old laws that may surprise the younger generation - and that could still prove costly to offenders.

• One provided a $1 fine for anyone over 14 years old who uses profanely the name of God, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Ghost. Complaints of such an offense must be made within 10 days, and each offense is punishable by a $1 fine. 

Always have lots of pep

Were you ever in an Ada High School pep band? What instrument did you play?

Here's the players from one-half century past - the 1965-66 school year.

CHP hospice care benefit raises close to $6,000

Photos and story by Monty Siekerman
The annual dinner and auction to support Community Health Professionals hospice care raised about $6,000. The event was held on Thursday evening in McIntosh Center ballroom.


All manner of goods were auctioned, including a golf package (replete with an umbrella), a Lions Club scoop of mulch, stays at The Inn and other hotels, and much more.

Deb starts pounding the pavement throughout northwest Ohio at the beginning of the year to come up with fantastic packages for people to bid on.

900 chicken dinners for a great cause

By Monty Siekerman

Grace Gospel Church held a fundraiser on Thursday evening, selling 900 chicken dinners.

The profit from the endeavor goes to help with medical expenses for Amelia Griffin, who is fighting cancer.

She is the four-year-old daughter of Beau and Christina Griffin.

Pictured is Pastor Trent Boedicker and son Shay, 4, going home, nextdoor to the church, with one of the dinners.
