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July 2013

Kiwanis Club's annual tree planting July 10 at Ada Park

President Myrna McCurdy called the July 2 meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at noon at McIntosh Center, ONU.

The invocation was offered by Jon Umphress.

The birthday of Joe Ferguson (July 6th) was noted in song.

Joe also reported there are some extra plants installed at the north and south village limit signs.

Sharon MacKenzie reported that there were two nice articles in the newspaper about the Ada Restore. She also was able to get our banner updated with our recent club patches.

John David Boyd, 1948-2013

John David Boyd, age 65, died on Friday, July 5, 2013 at 11:03 p.m. at Lima Memorial Health System, Lima.

He was born on June 9, 1948, in Floyd County, Kentucky to Emmitt and Blanche (Van Hoose) Boyd. His father died shortly before his birth and he was raised by his mother and step-father, George and Blanche Collins, Sr., who are also deceased. He was previously married to Joanne (Jaycox) Boyd of Ada.

...and next door chamber cuts the ribbon at Mighty Dakotas Sporting Goods


The next door business neighbor of Ada Flea Market also received an Ada Area Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting on July 5.

Mighty Dakotas Sporting Goods, LLC., owned by Ada native Steve Rudasill, is located at 113 N. Main St., Ada. It opened in the fall of 2013, but was not previously featured on The Ada Icon.

Store hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 to 9 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and "when you see the light on in the store," says Rudasill. The business phone number is 419-634-1011.

The sporting goods store supplies pistols, riffles, shot guns, ammo, acessories and some fishing equipment.

Downtown's newest business - Ada Flea Market

CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE - and watch the video

The ribbon was cut and it's official. The Ada Flea Market, 111 N. Main St., Ada, is open for business as the community's newest business. To help launch its grand opening the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting on Friday.

Gus and Norma Guthrie own the business that will be open each Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The business phone number is 419-296-3243.

According to Gus Guthrie, the flea market offers "something for everybody."

It offers antiques, collectibles, glassware, matress sets, used furniture, used tools, some new tools, crafts, toys and houseware.

Sunny Jones named assistant softball coach at Ohio Northern

By Tim Glon

Sunny Jones has been named an assistant softball coach at Ohio Northern.

Jones comes to ONU with a impressive list of softball experience both as a coach and player.

She served as head softball coach at NCAA Division I Detroit Mercy from 2009-2012 and was head coach at NCAA Division II Hillsdale (Mich.) from 2004-06.

Jones also had assistant coaching stints at Toledo and Concordia (Mich.)

She was also a standout athlete, being named the 1999 NCAA Division II National Player of the Year as an All-American at Ashland.

Ada Music Booster seek your support - patron drive for 2013-14 underway

The annual membership drive for the Ada Music Boosters is now underway.

With the help of the Ada community, the music boosters are able to enhance music education and the performance-based programming for the Ada Exempted Village Schools.

The Boosters provided The Ada Icon with the following information:

We purchase choir robes, band uniforms, instruments, Varsity Singers costumes, props and music and support our State and regional award-winning winter guard, marching band and show choir.

Hardin Hootenannies 4-H Club involved in lots of summer activities

By reporter, Faith Holbrook

The Hardin County Hootenannies 4-H Club are doing our group project, Star Spangled Foods and use the foods for our refreshments. 

For each meeting, the group has a certain menu from the project that a couple members work together to make and the other members do homework, experiments and physical exercises. 

This week Dylan and Levi Beiler made Snickerdoodle cookies. Dylan explained sugar was not available in large quantities in the American pioneer days and they learned to cook/bake with less. Levi shared how to measure ingredients. 

Anything with Wheels Food Pantry Poker Run July 13

The second annual "Anything With Wheels" food pantry poker run takes place in Ada on Saturday, July 13.

Here's the details:

Start and end point: ReStore Community Center, 210 N. Main St.
Meal provided at the end of the run
Registration 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Back by 5 p.m.

Proceeds go to the ReStore Community Center Beacon Fund, which provides emergency funds for rent, prescriptions and emergency medical needs.

The event includes door prizes, a 50-/50 drawing and prizes for the first three winning poker hands.

Donation to participate is $15 for one person, $20 for two persons and $5 for each additional poker hand.

Next Ada blood drive July 15

Ada's next American Red Cross blood drive is Monday, July 15. The drive is from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Community Health Professionals, 1200 S. Main St., Ada. To schedule an appointment call 419-634-1333. 

Walk-ins are also accepted.

Blood Donors Must:

• Be healthy
• Be at least 17 years old in most states, or 16 years old with parental consent if allowed by state law 
• Weigh at least 110 lbs.

Ready, Set, Grow Pre-school summer camp registrations underway

Ready, Set, Grow, Pre-School is closed for the summer, however it will hold a summer camp in August.

The camp dates are Monday to Friday, Aug. 19-23, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Persons wanting more information may contact Jami Dellifield at 419-889-9264.
