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Still updating your calendar for 2025? Check out all the "save the date" items on our "What Brings You to Ada?" listing on the Classifieds page. Got more items to suggest? Email [email protected].

February 16 Purse Raffle announced by academic and music boosters

The 13th annual Ada Academic Boosters and Ada Music Boosters Purse Raffle will be held on Sunday, February 16 at 2:00 p.m. in the Ballroom at McIntosh Center on the campus of Ohio Northern University.

A reserved table for 8 is $300 (best deal). A reserved half table for 4 is $160. Individual tickets (not reserved seats, provided first come, first served) are $40 each. Ticket may be purchased at

Doors will open at 1:00 p.m. Your ticket includes admittance to the event, light snacks and participation in 15 bingo games for the chance to win a designer purse.

There will also be tickets on sale for raffle baskets, quarter auction game, the Bulldog Bundle and other chances for fun and opportunities to help support Ada students.

Creation of missing persons working group announced

COLUMBUS—On January 12, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced the creation of a working group to examine how missing persons cases are investigated and offer recommendations for improvement.

Members of the new Missing Persons Working Group will review and study Ohio’s resources and response to adult and juvenile missing persons cases including database usage, law enforcement staffing and training, and investigation best practices.

The Missing Persons Working Group will convene its first meeting at the Ohio Department of Public Safety on January 23, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. Recommendations are expected to be issued at the end of April.

New Stories

From the Ada Academic Boosters

The Inn at ONU has announced ticket sales for the Sugar Rush Soiree on March 22. 

Ticket sales begin on February 3. $40 for adult and child, $15 for additional adult and $10 for additional child.

COLUMBUS__On January 13, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced that 28 colleges and universities in Ohio will receive a total of $7.5 million in funding for security projects that enhance the safety of students and staff.

The Iconic Photo Gallery

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Wilson Football Factory groundbreaking May 16, 2023

Yesterday's Top Story

15 Minutes with Walt Bettinger, AHSAA Hall of Honor inductee

Walter W. Bettinger II, AHS class of 1979, was inducted in the Ada High School Alumni Association Hall of Honor on January 11 and honored at halftime of the boys basketball game. Bettinger served as CEO of Charles Schwab & Co. from 2008-2024 and is benefactor of school athletics. He provided the Icon with these reflections on his home town.

Q. What keeps you connected to Ada, Ohio?


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