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First Baptist Church, Ada, celebrates 150 anniversary on Sunday

Several former pastors will return for the service

On Sunday, Oct. 2,  First Baptist Church, Ada, celebrates 150 years of ministry, according to Jack Duffy, pastor.

On Sunday a worship service of singing hymns and communion take place at 10:15 a.m. followed by a barbecue chicken and pulled-pork dinner.

Several former pastors will attend the service. These include Bob Cassidy (1988-1990), Charles Spier (1963-1968) and Byron Hawbecker (interim 1991-1992). Former ONU students who attended will be coming as well.

The church's first gathering was on Oct. 2, 1866, at a meeting in the Union Church (now First Presbyterian Church of Ada) to organize a Baptist church.  

Formerly located on Highland Avenue, First Baptist Church is now located at 350 W. North Ave. in Ada. For more information, call the church office  at 419-634-8041.

Click here for the church Facebook.
