Charles Van Dyne, a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, was elected to the office of Grand Esteemed Leading Knight during the 151st Grand Lodge session held in July in Indianapolis. He was among eight national officers elected for 2015-16 at the session.
Others elected were from Washington, Mississippi, New Mexico, Minnesota, Illinois, Delaware and Virginia.
Van Dyne, a member of the Kenton Elks Lodge #157, has received several honors from the Elks and has held several positions in the organization.
In 2013 the Ohio Elks Association named him the Elk of the Year.
His home lodge nominated Van Dyne for his many years of dedication to not only the Kenton Lodge but also the Ohio Elks Association and the national organization, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.
Van Dyne’s was initiated into the Kenton Lodge in 1957. Some of the major milestones of his Elk career include:
• serving as Exalted Ruler of Kenton Lodge in 1968-1969
• elected chairman of the West Central District in 1977
• named a District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler in 1980-1981
While holding district and national positions, he continued to serve the local lodge as a trustee and on other committees. He was elected an Honorary Life member in 1983, one of only four current members so honored.
Van Dyne served the national Elks organization on the Judiciary Committee and while serving on the Grand Forum, he was named Chief Justice (the equivalent of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court).
In July of 2006, Van Dyne presented the general eulogy at the Elks national memorial service in Orlando. Despite being involved in the national organization he continues to be a mentor and leader at the Kenton Lodge.